Friday, November 30, 2012

Why You May Never Lose Weight for Good Unless You Detox

You want to lose weight and keep it off, don't you? You don't want to be going up and down with your weight forever, constantly struggling to maintain any weight loss success you see.

No-one is going to go out and say that they want to lose weight only in the short term. They're not going to say that they want to 'lose weight for a while and then pile it all back on again'. Nope, anyone who has a problem with their weight wants a permanent solution. The problem is, most people have no idea what that solution is.

They think they do, however. They think that a regular diet or nutrition plan is going to give them the results that they want. They think they'll start eating healthily and somehow they'll manage to maintain this forever and stay slim and healthy for good.

No chance.

Nope, not gonna happen. I'm sorry to announce that only about 1 in 200 people end up losing weight and keeping it off for good from dieting alone. Not good odds for anyone and the chances are pretty high you're going to be one of the 199... no the 0.5 per cent minority!

What you may also not know is that detoxing is essential if you want to lose weight for good. Why? Well let me briefly tell you.

Toxins are all around us. They're in chemicals in our food, they're in our beauty products, they're in the air, they're everywhere. These toxins, when ingested by the body, are stored in our fat cells. Naturally, a toxic build up is bad for our body so it needs to protect itself from this toxicity. And do you know what protects our organs and nervous system? Fat.

Yep, we all need some fat around our organs and nervous system as protection. And the more toxic we are, the more protection we're going to need. So, when you go on a diet and your fat cells get smaller, you're actually making yourself more toxic.


Well, because the toxins are stored in our fat cells, so as they get smaller, and the toxins remain, you end up becoming more toxic. Not good, right.

The way that the body responds to this higher concentration of toxicity is to actually go into fat production mode to help protect the organs and nervous system. So you end up putting on the fat you have just lost as a defence mechanism against the toxins in your fat cells.

This is one of the main reasons why you may well have suffered from rebound weight gain before. Unless you reduce the toxicity in your fat cells, you're not going to be able to lose that fat and keep it off.

So, detoxing becomes a vital part of any long term weight loss plan and it should certainly be high on your agenda if you are struggling in a cycle of yo-yo dieting and rebound weight gain.

Safe Fat Loss Foods For Teen Weight Loss   

Let's Concentrate on Personal Development!

These days, watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers or internet news is real torture: nothing but sickening scenes, a horrible litany of killings, bombings, murder, rape...

It's no use dwelling on the "reasons" or justification put forward by those who perpetrate such deeds.

However, one thing is obvious: at the root of all conflicts, there is manipulation by so-called "leaders" and here is an undeniable fact for you:

If every human being just decided to ignore these so-called leaders and concentrate on personal development, that would be the end of all conflicts between people and groups of people.

So, I say to you:

- Concentrate on your personal development.

- Never allow yourself to be manipulated by politicians, religious leaders, or any type of leaders. More often than not, such people are hardly able to lead themselves.

- God is everyone's God. If you believe in God, you can lead yourself to Him (or Her, for that matter). You certainly don't need anybody for that.

- As much as possible, look at human beings for what they are i.e. as individuals, not as members of a group, class, race, religion, country, culture, color, race, gender etc.

- Go straight for the "humanity in all human beings"

Of course, we are all more or less influenced by the society we were born into, the culture we grew up in, the language we speak. But deep inside, we all have something in common.

Maybe the only thing that could force human beings to unite and actually love and appreciate one another would be invaders from another planet, all set to destroy any being with that universally human quality: humanity. So, however deep inside you you'd try to hide your humanity, they'd have a special device to sniff it out and destroy you.

Then of course, we'd all have to assume our common humanity, get together, and fight back.

So, if we must be "group-conscious", then let that group be Mankind, or - why not after all - the whole Universe and everything that exists.

Meanwhile, let's just concentrate on our own personal development. In the process and in other articles, I'll tell you about "know yourself", "love yourself" and "agree with yourself"

But "what" may you ask, "has all this got to do with Health, Beauty, and Wellness?".

The answer lies in one single word: BALANCE. Know yourself, love yourself, agree with yourself and you'll achieve physical, psychological, moral and spiritual balance.

And THAT, my friend, is the ultimate health, beauty, and wellness secret tip. But please always remember: "Let's know each other to better know ourselves"

Let's Concentrate on Personal Development!   

Can The Stock Market Avoid Election Year Dip?

If the last three election years are any indication, the history of the three-month period of August, September and October usually being a downer doesn't go away just because it's an election year.

Perhaps ominously, this year the market is following a similar pattern to the election year of 2000, the year of the bitter George Bush Jr./Al Gore election. There was a sell-off from April to an early June low. That was followed by a similar summer rally that carried the market all the way back to the April high by the end of August. The Dow then plunged 15% to its October low. The Nasdaq plunged 27% to its October low, and 38% to another low in November.

This year so far it's a similar pattern.

In 2004, as the George Bush Jr./John Kerry election approached, the Dow fell only 4.5% from its August high to its October low.

But in 2008, as the contentious Obama/McCain election year played out, the market again topped out in late April to a June low. Its summer rally again ended in late August, and the Dow plunged 35% to its low in November, while the Nasdaq plunged 46%.

The pattern this year is also similar to last year, a non-election year but a year when markets also awaited a hoped for rescue by the Fed and ECB.

There is another similarity this year to elections since 2000.

Neither side shows any indication of meeting in the middle after the election to try to resolve the serious problems the nation faces, including the 'fiscal cliff' that looms early next year.

The old-fashioned idea of democracy meaning that elections are held, the majority wins, and then both sides pretty much pull together and work for the good of the country until the next election, went away in the late 1990's, replaced by the pre-election differences continuing and becoming even more bitter and divisive in the years after elections.

I don't know if that's why the pattern of election years usually being positive for markets changed so dramatically with the 2000 election, but I think the widening political divide between left and right accounts for much of the going-nowhere difficulty the country has had since.

That's particularly troublesome given that the Federal Reserve has been saying this year that it can only do so much from the monetary side, that Congress must now step up from the fiscal side, a view Fed Chairman Bernanke reiterated in his Jackson Hole speech Friday morning.

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The Stock Market: Tips to Stay on Top

Everyone wants to succeed in the stock market, but few really know what attributes help to create a successful trader. This article is packed with useful advice that will help you to make the most of your abilities.

1) Follow your own intuition first. While taking advice from others is always a good idea, remember to have a strong firm mind of your own. Always go with your instincts when thinking of investing in the stock market. Listening to your own thoughts about your own considered and well researched choices can be the best advice.

2) If you are holding some common stock, you need to exercise your right to vote as a shareholder in the company. You should review the company's charter, you could have voting rights with respect to making significant changes in the company, or other. You may vote in person at the annual shareholders' meeting or by proxy, either online or by mail.

3) Take the time to research companies and stock before you invest your money in them. After researching and determining potential many people then decide to invest. If the company fails to perform to expectations, stockholders are left taking the loss.

4) Even if you select your stocks by yourself, it doesn't hurt to see an investment adviser. A financial counselor doesn't just tell you what the best investments are. They will invest time in working with you and your goals. You two can create and manage a plan that works great for you.

5) During stock evaluation, keep in mind things you use regularly. Trust your gut. Once you have looked at and approved of their balance sheet, and it seems that they are honest, think of whether or not you would use that company's item. If you wouldn't, it may not be worth investing in. You might not be able to judge the investment's value if the company offers products and services that don't interest you.

6) A good way of saving money when making investments is by trading stocks online. There are many online firms that trade stocks and are much cheaper than a regular brokerage firm. Just take your time and shop around so that you can know you have found the best deal. TradeKing and Fidelity are a couple of good, solid choices.

7) Cash isn't always profit. All financial activities require good cash flow, and stock portfolios are no different. It's crucial to reinvest and keep money on hand for bills and day to day needs. A good rule of thumb is to have six months worth of living expenses squirreled away somewhere.

8) You need to avoid getting greedy when making sound decisions about trading stocks. This is the way a lot of investors end up losing lots of money. After making a good profit, sell stocks and take any money.

Start investing now that you know the way to play the stock market! Be adaptive with your strategies to ensure success, and stick with what works to establish an impressive portfolio you will be proud to show off. Stand out in the crowd by being a high earner!

Are Buying Penny Stocks Online Worth The Risk?   Managing Employer Stock Positions   What Is a Bond's Yield to Call?   Ever Thought of Being a Trader?   Was It An Anti-Obama Mini-Stock Market Crash, Individual Stocks Down 1 to 2% Across The Board   

55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates

The United States is looking forward to bring in highly skilled graduates. It is focusing more to provide 55, 000 immigrant visas to those graduates rather than making it available through the Diversity Visa Lottery program.

The US Senator who administers immigration has introduced a legislation, "Securing the Talent America Requires for the 21st Century", which would reserve 55,000 immigrant visas to foreign students from American universities. The specific US-based courses include science, technology, engineering and maths, the STEM fields.

According to Senator Cornyn, the United States should not be inferior to any other country in the world, in the global competition for the best and brightest minds in the world. The legislation introduced by Senator Cornyn is backed by the American Council on International Personnel.

The executive secretary at the American Council on International Personnel (ACIP), Lynn Shotwell, says that the economy of the United States requires the highly wanted STEM graduates. Lynn also added that America cannot afford to allow its immigration system to fall behind in the world-wide competition for talent, by losing the STEM graduates to rivals, overseas.

According to the current visa system, the foreign graduates can work temporarily for a period of six years, in America, on the temporary H-1B visas. After six years, those foreign workers are forced to leave the United States. This is because there is no way to obtain an employment based Green Card directly. Developed and developing, American software and technology companies are unhappy about the lack of visas that are available for foreign skilled workers. Microsoft has opened a campus in Canada, where the foreign workers, who are unable to obtain US visas are stocked.

Senator Cornyn stated that, this law through which the visas for the STEM graduates will be increased, will be important to the US companies as they wish to hire an international pool of employees. A survey shows that there are around 2 million hi-tech jobs, yet to be filled in the United States.

Policy analyst, David Bier, at the Competitive Enterprise Institute based on Washington said that the economy of America is ready to grow, but the restrictions and quotas stop its growth. He also said that the United States cannot succeed if it cuts itself from the global labor market.

The current Diversity Visa lottery program which provides immigrant visas to people from countries with low immigration rates to the United States, will be scrapped, if the new law of Mr. Cornyn comes to effect. Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, also supports the immigration rules for these STEM graduates and specialists in technology. This bill is one of the several other bills focusing on immigration to get approved before the presidential elections, this year.

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Build A List Fast: A Guide To Rapid List Building

If you want to build a list fast then you need to understand how list building works and the purposes behind it.

Companies have been building lists almost since the dawn of the Post Office and the first stamp was printed. Mailing lists are gold mines to companies, allowing them to contact not only their customers but their prospective customers too, in order to sell for them.

Previously list building was expensive and time consuming, involving spend thousands of dollars on printing and postage. However, the Internet has revolutionized list building, making it suddenly very affordable indeed.

If you want to build a list fast then you need to get the technology behind list building right first.

Step 1 - The Autoresponder

You have to have an autoresponder before you can start list building. This is the database where your list is kept and where you send your mails from. It can be hosted by a third party company or you can host it yourself, both have their good points and their bad points, but it is up to you which option you choose. Trying to run your own autoresponder using your desktop email program is going to be extremely difficult, time consuming and ineffective, so it's worth paying the small price to get an autoresponder yourself.

Step 2 - The Email Sequence

Without something to put in it, an autoresponder is a pretty pointless thing to have. Therefore you need to write some messages you can email out to people who join your list. These need to be high quality messages that are highly relevant to your list.

In order to write these messages well you need to really understand your target market and know what they want, what there problems are and what they are hoping to get from reading your messages. This will help you tailor your messages to get maximum response.

Some people load their autoresponder up with a year or two's worth of messages, other people but in a few weeks worth and move on to the next step.

Step 3 - The Squeeze Page

This is where, traditionally, list builders get their leads from. It is a single page website designed with one purpose in mind - to build a list! People visit the site and are led down to the box where they put their email address in.

This page is something that you should spend a lot of time on and work to improve the conversion rate of it. Some people get a 60% conversion rate from their squeeze pages!

Step 4 - The Traffic

Without traffic, your squeeze page will not generate leads. Therefore you need to drive traffic either via paid advertising such as Facebook Ads or Google AdWords or through free advertising or the search engines themselves. The more traffic you get, the quick you will find your list grows.

You can build a list fast if you set up a good quality squeeze page with an irresistible offer and drive traffic to it. Waiting for traffic from the search engines can take a while but with paid advertising you can find yourself building your list very quickly.

Places to Add Email Sign-Up Forms to Build Your List   Surefire Ways to Boost Your List Using Article Marketing   Your First Giveaway Event   

Loss Adjuster - Work Done by a Loss Adjuster

If you have ever been a victim of any natural calamity or accident and filed a claim for the compensation of the loss occurred, then you must have surely dealt with loss adjusters. They play a vital role in your claim. They are engaged by the insurance companies. Their need is mainly highlighted at the time of a major loss or disaster.

However, a loss adjuster is expected to be impartial, but his loyalty lies more towards the company for which he is working. A claimant can also hire the services of an insurance professional. A loss adjuster makes sure that proper guidelines of the claim are being followed. He will use all tact's and means to make sure that you settle for an amount less than what you are actually entitled to. The insurance companies for whom they are working want them to settle the claim as quickly as possible. They will attempt to win the assurance and confidence of the claimant at the earliest break. A loss adjuster needs to build up the skill to go with human optimism.

Their first duty is to determine and establish as to what extent the insurance company is accountable under the insurance policy. They play a crucial role at the onset of the loss. It is the duty of the claimant to complete all the paperwork related to the claim submission before handing them to the insurance company during their first meet as a loss adjuster is not going to lend any help to the claimant in this regard.

A loss adjuster after visiting the site of accident prepares an estimate of the loss and prepares a report that will incorporate facts, opinions, and recommendations to be handed over to the insurance company. He will also check whether there are any other policies which may be brought into the allotment of loss and, if so, he is the expert for dividing up the loss to each policy.

The policyholder has to be very smart. A claimant should not hide anything from them. They are in this profession from many years and preserving any kind of information or lying is not going to get you anywhere. Dealing with an adjuster is something no one looks forward to. The claimant has to be very patient. Thus, the fundamental role of a loss adjuster is to represent the insurance company by finding out all the details and information and then using them to negotiate a settlement.

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7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion after Divorce

Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adjust to being single again, as well as living "out of the habit" of being married, especially if you have been married for many, many years.

Eventually, you begin to think about dating, but it is suggested that you take your time. Use this precious opportunity to rediscover yourself. Think of this time in your life as an adventure to explore the real you. If you have worked outside the home combined with being a mom and wife for the last ten, fifteen or twenty years, you may have lost yourself along the way. Certainly not on purpose, but as most women try to do it all as "super" moms, many times we put our own wants and needs on hold to keep our families and jobs running smoothly!

Take a deep breath and let's start to rediscover our true passions and say... Will the Real Me Please Stand Up!

1) Treasure Your Gifts Within Realizing we are all born as "gold nuggets" is a hard concept for many women to believe about themselves. Think about how magnificent you really are! Over time, you might have forgotten your unique gifts and are only thinking of what you don't like about yourself or your life. Set a new intention, starting today, to list all of your great qualities and read that list everyday. Keep reading it until you believe it. Examples: beautiful smile, kindness, generosity, loving, caring, intelligent. keep going. Your list is endless, when you start focusing on your great qualities. Allow yourself to see the shining gold within. It's already there!

2) Give Yourself A Break During and after a divorce it is common to have the feeling of grieving, similar to that of the loss of someone. Many women feel the need to stay busy to keep their minds off of this stressful time, such as working overtime or cleaning the house from top to bottom, but let this time also include pampering yourself. For example, barter with a friend or neighbor to watch your children or leave work early to give yourself this needed time. Yes, you do deserve to do something special for yourself. It can be as simple as taking a bath or a walk, going to the mall or reading a book with your favorite cup of tea. Give yourself permission - it's O.K. Remember, the happier you are, the happier your family will be!

3) No regrets! No bitterness! Holding onto regrets and bitterness will only keep your life from moving forward. Is your inner voice working overtime with all the "what ifs" and "if onlys"? This is normal for a period of time, but ask yourself.are these thoughts serving me or helping me feel better? Will thinking about them over and over again change anything? To move your life forward, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and to learn from your past experiences to prepare yourself for the next exciting chapter of your life. Yes, there is life after divorce. Learn to let it go! Just, let it go! A quote from Buddy Hackett, "I never hold a grudge because while I am being angry, the other person is out dancing."

4) Enjoy the Little Things Life after divorce usually means added responsibilities. If you are a single parent or are now the one responsible for the once shared to-do list, how do you handle it all without being totally stressed out? To start, learn to laugh more, especially at yourself. Learn to let things go and not take life so seriously. Lighten-up! Learn to live in the present moment. Living in the present is where all the "good stuff" in life happens. Yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow's worries are tomorrow. Think of it this way, when one is missing this moment in time, one is missing out on one's life.

So how do we live in the present? If you are feeling stressed, immediately leave your thoughts in your head and take off your blinders. (Blinders similar to what a horse would wear, not allowing it to see from side to side). Start to look around you. I mean really look around you. Look closely at everything. Really focus. Use all your senses! For example, if you are with your children observe them. Cherish their smiles. Give them a hug. See the true beauty of who they are and appreciate them for being a part of your life. You will start to feel your stress subside and a feeling of peace sweep over you. To be present, no matter where you are, use all your senses to pull you back into the moment. Take time to appreciate all the beauty that already exists around you. You only have to be present to see it!

5) What Makes Your Heart Sing? What really matters to you? What do you feel is your true purpose in life? If someone asked you that question, how would you answer them?

Why is it so important to be clear on what your life's purpose is? Knowing your purpose, will give you a true sense of who you are and why you were put on this earth. It gives your life direction and helps you make clear and easy decisions concerning that direction. It's your compass! Without a purpose, can your life be compared to a piece of driftwood? Floating endlessly in whichever direction the tide decides to take it and ending up on any beach with no will of its' own. When you live your life based on your purpose you are living in integrity with yourself and are in alignment of who you really are in all aspects of your life - body, mind and spirit. Take this time to focus on what really matters to you. Feel the true passions that exist in your heart and write them down.

6) What Are Your Vibes Saying About You? Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction? Maybe you have heard the expressions, "What you think about, you bring about" or "The more attention you give to something, the more attention it will give to you." When going through a divorce, your emotions can be compared to a roller coaster ride. Use this time to become reconnected to your inner awareness of who you are. Recognize if your feelings are low energy or high energy.

A few examples of low energy are stress, negativity, fear, resentment, or a sense of lack (lack of time or money) and high energy is joy, abundance, happy, positive, love or compassion. If you are having feelings of low energy, how do you make a shift to feel more of the high energy?

First, acknowledge and accept the feelings you are having. Be gentle with yourself! Your goal is to make a shift, but realize you might not be able to go from low to high instantly. Start with baby steps! Repeat step number three and become present! Be thankful for what is working in your life right now. Do something simple like pat your pet, smell a flower or, if you are in the office, take a minute to think of a previous fun time or experience you have had that could bring a smile to your face. Feel the shift you are starting to make in your energy.

Now, to amp up this high-energy feeling, think of another time of joy or something you were passionate about in your life. Keep adding these thoughts to your high-energy feeling and begin to feel great! Does it seem the people or situations around you have changed or is it you who has really changed? So, who has the power to feel their own joy? When you are feeling your high energy, this is the time to take your next inspired action. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something with ease and less effort!

7) Be True To Yourself During and even after a divorce, we are often filled with doubts. We question ourselves about what is right, what to do or how we feel. Should I or shouldn't I? It seems difficult to make a decision. Listen to your heart. What feels right? What doesn't feel quite right? If a situation does not feel right, honor your resistance by pausing or waiting. Sometimes waiting is the best thing to do. By waiting you may have allowed the situation to unfold more easily without having to worry! If a decision feels good or right, usually that means you are heading in the right direction. When we listen to our hearts, we are in integrity with ourselves. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we learn to say NO more easily.

Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to be on a committee or to volunteer for something and you say yes, even though you know it will make your schedule even tighter or you really don't want to or have to?

How do you stop this from happening? Next time you are in this situation and you are ready to say yes, yet, find yourself having doubts, try this . STOP! Take a breath or even take a step back (this action will prevent you from saying yes). Pause! Thank the person for thinking of you, but let them know you will have to check your calendar and get back to them. When you do have time to think about it, focus on how you are feeling. Are you excited to volunteer or do you feel some resistance? If in a day or two you are still feeling doubtful, realize the timing might not be right for you. If you are still excited, join the committee and have fun!

Divorce is not easy or fun, but you can make it through this time of your life by realizing you WILL make it! Also, honor yourself and listen to your heart! Your true purpose and passions are waiting to be rediscovered within you! When you have discovered the "gold nugget" you already are, you will start to live your life with more ease and enjoy the feeling of peace. "You are truly free!"

Copyright 2004 Joanie Winberg. All Rights Reserved.

There Is Life After Divorce

A married woman becomes a single woman for one of two reasons: death or divorce. The former is an honourable state, the latter is not.

When a woman loses her husband to death the neighbours all rally round and provide meals and any help they can give with regard to household repairs or cleaning or anything that is needed. They are willing to provide comfort and a shoulder to cry on. They are available for the widow and they include her in their activities, feeling sorry for her that she is now so alone.

However, things are quite different when a marriage ends due to infidelity or marital breakdown. That immediately plunges a woman into a new category. She is transformed, instantaneously it seems,from a married woman to a divorcee. Becoming one of many, part of a group of used and discarded women, seen as suspect by all those who are still safely ensconced in the womb of their marriage.

People tend to withdraw from her. Invitations to get togethers cease. It appears that women think their husbands might be attracted to the idea of an "available woman" and so the women who used to be friends withdraw and leave her alone with her tears and her fears. There are no meals prepared and no offers of help. Husbands are kept at home just in case, for such is the image portrayed of a divorcee. The husbands might not be safe. She might cause the destruction of other marriages.

We read jokes all the time about the lonely divorcee who invites the mailman, the milkman, or the Maytag repairman into her home with the intent of seducing him. (A joke made up, I am sure, by a man who has never known the humiliation and pain of being a divorcee.) Perhaps she even seduces them one right after the other, for such is the life of the "gay divorcee", isn't it? Freed from the bonds of marriage, with unmet needs and desires, divorcees are wanting to fill the void; or at least that is the popular image. And so in place of invitations to parties or neighbourhood barbeques which were formerly were issued to the couple and their family, there is an empty mailbox, and the phone stays quiet. She checks it every now and then to make sure it is still working.

The divorcee begins to feel as though she no longer exists; as if, because she is no longer half of a relationship, she ceases to be a part of the neighbourhood. Women who used to call her friend no longer call. Her children are not invited to play with the neighbours' children. Perhaps the women feel they would be contaminated by the disease of divorce, as if it were a virus that could be caught, or maybe they just don't know how to talk to a newly divorced woman. A divorced man, on the other hand, is often seen as more eligible and is a welcome addition to many parties. His social life may increase, and because he usually does not have the children, his disposable income is often enough to keep him comfortably.

However, life goes on. The bills still have to be paid, the kids still have to be fed and they have to be clothed. Family chores that were done by two are now done by one. If the children are old enough, they can chip in and help with the household duties such as dishes and meal preparation and housecleaning. Because of the reduction in income, the divorcee is often forced to seek employment and then she has two jobs; one inside and one outside the home.

Sometimes the inside life doesn't change much. For those who had husbands who simply went to work and came home at night expecting to be waited on, their workload is reduced by one person, so this can be a blessing. But the availability of a backup when she is really tired and the kids are really obnoxious is a problem. She has to deal with all the problems, tired or not.

Because she has been ostracized by her neighbours she seeks out other divorcees for companionship, often building relationships and forming deep bonds that last for years as they share the day to day problems and achievements. They get together with their kids and pool their resources for family dinners. They support each other in job searches, in the handling of problems, in the fights with their exes. They listen to each other and care for each other's children.

Sometimes, because of the great reduction in income, divorcees are forced to apply for an allowance from the provincial government. This is known as welfare or Mother's Allowance. There they are told that they have no right to have a phone or a car, or any of the things they consider necessities but the government considers luxuries, such as a heating bill over the allotted amount. Widows, on the other hand, usually receive a pension from their husband's estate which they can spend however they want, with no rules. The divorcees are told to sell the car and get rid of the phone, even if they are out in the country. If they have a house, they might have to give it up and move the children to a new area. Sometimes, in order to survive, they may use credit cards to buy the things they feel they need for their kids for school and other activities. They may not be able to send their kids on school trips or buy the clothes that the kids need to fit in and so their kids may be ridiculed because of the way they dress. When the kids come home crying, they often feel guilty and wonder if they couldn't have worked things out better with their ex-husbands. They cry but try to hide the tears from their children, not wanting to upset them.

When the divorcee ventures into the realms of the full-time employee instead of part-time, she must find a babysitter for her kids, arrange everyone's schedule and settle into her new lifestyle. She tries to find a boss who is willing to let her attend the various special events at her children's school and cries silently to herself when she is unable to attend a day graduation due to work, or when she is unable to see her children receive sports awards, but she knows that she is doing the best she can. She attends what she can in the evenings and on weekends and hopes it is enough.

As the divorcee settles into life on her own, she may begin to find advantages such as being able to go where she wants, when she wants and with whom she wants. She has only to consider herself, and her kids, if she has any. Eventually the heartaches will ease a little and the divorcee will reach out to others a little more, perhaps even being willing to take the risk of dating another man.

Her circumstances may not have changed a lot. She still struggles to pay bills, to provide for her kids, yet she finds her life is full. Not the rumoured life of the gay divorcee, replete with men or with parties and wild living, but one of love for her kids, and perhaps of studying for a degree while working in a fulfilling career where helping others. She has weathered the storms of life and feels that she has come out on top. Her children move on to their own homes and to employment. Perhaps her eldest has his dream job, that of webmaster and service technician. Another may become the youngest Inventory Control Manager and the only female one in Eastern Ontario for a large soft drink company. Another, with a child of her own, may work part-time and plan to return to school to take an Esthetics course. Her children could be very involved in hockey, perhaps playing at the AA level or Junior A level which requires a lot of travelling and sacrifice of personal time. But to her it is all worth it to watch her child score the winning goal and to see the smile on his face as he turns from the net. Her heart swells with pride as his teammates congratulate him and the parents lean over to say how well he played.

Yes, life continues after divorce, the pain and heartache suffered in the beginning eventually fade somewhat and the divorcee finds the strength to survive and, more than that, to move on to whatever the future has in store.

7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion after Divorce

Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adjust to being single again, as well as living "out of the habit" of being married, especially if you have been married for many, many years.

Eventually, you begin to think about dating, but it is suggested that you take your time. Use this precious opportunity to rediscover yourself. Think of this time in your life as an adventure to explore the real you. If you have worked outside the home combined with being a mom and wife for the last ten, fifteen or twenty years, you may have lost yourself along the way. Certainly not on purpose, but as most women try to do it all as "super" moms, many times we put our own wants and needs on hold to keep our families and jobs running smoothly!

Take a deep breath and let's start to rediscover our true passions and say... Will the Real Me Please Stand Up!

1) Treasure Your Gifts Within Realizing we are all born as "gold nuggets" is a hard concept for many women to believe about themselves. Think about how magnificent you really are! Over time, you might have forgotten your unique gifts and are only thinking of what you don't like about yourself or your life. Set a new intention, starting today, to list all of your great qualities and read that list everyday. Keep reading it until you believe it. Examples: beautiful smile, kindness, generosity, loving, caring, intelligent. keep going. Your list is endless, when you start focusing on your great qualities. Allow yourself to see the shining gold within. It's already there!

2) Give Yourself A Break During and after a divorce it is common to have the feeling of grieving, similar to that of the loss of someone. Many women feel the need to stay busy to keep their minds off of this stressful time, such as working overtime or cleaning the house from top to bottom, but let this time also include pampering yourself. For example, barter with a friend or neighbor to watch your children or leave work early to give yourself this needed time. Yes, you do deserve to do something special for yourself. It can be as simple as taking a bath or a walk, going to the mall or reading a book with your favorite cup of tea. Give yourself permission - it's O.K. Remember, the happier you are, the happier your family will be!

3) No regrets! No bitterness! Holding onto regrets and bitterness will only keep your life from moving forward. Is your inner voice working overtime with all the "what ifs" and "if onlys"? This is normal for a period of time, but ask yourself.are these thoughts serving me or helping me feel better? Will thinking about them over and over again change anything? To move your life forward, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and to learn from your past experiences to prepare yourself for the next exciting chapter of your life. Yes, there is life after divorce. Learn to let it go! Just, let it go! A quote from Buddy Hackett, "I never hold a grudge because while I am being angry, the other person is out dancing."

4) Enjoy the Little Things Life after divorce usually means added responsibilities. If you are a single parent or are now the one responsible for the once shared to-do list, how do you handle it all without being totally stressed out? To start, learn to laugh more, especially at yourself. Learn to let things go and not take life so seriously. Lighten-up! Learn to live in the present moment. Living in the present is where all the "good stuff" in life happens. Yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow's worries are tomorrow. Think of it this way, when one is missing this moment in time, one is missing out on one's life.

So how do we live in the present? If you are feeling stressed, immediately leave your thoughts in your head and take off your blinders. (Blinders similar to what a horse would wear, not allowing it to see from side to side). Start to look around you. I mean really look around you. Look closely at everything. Really focus. Use all your senses! For example, if you are with your children observe them. Cherish their smiles. Give them a hug. See the true beauty of who they are and appreciate them for being a part of your life. You will start to feel your stress subside and a feeling of peace sweep over you. To be present, no matter where you are, use all your senses to pull you back into the moment. Take time to appreciate all the beauty that already exists around you. You only have to be present to see it!

5) What Makes Your Heart Sing? What really matters to you? What do you feel is your true purpose in life? If someone asked you that question, how would you answer them?

Why is it so important to be clear on what your life's purpose is? Knowing your purpose, will give you a true sense of who you are and why you were put on this earth. It gives your life direction and helps you make clear and easy decisions concerning that direction. It's your compass! Without a purpose, can your life be compared to a piece of driftwood? Floating endlessly in whichever direction the tide decides to take it and ending up on any beach with no will of its' own. When you live your life based on your purpose you are living in integrity with yourself and are in alignment of who you really are in all aspects of your life - body, mind and spirit. Take this time to focus on what really matters to you. Feel the true passions that exist in your heart and write them down.

6) What Are Your Vibes Saying About You? Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction? Maybe you have heard the expressions, "What you think about, you bring about" or "The more attention you give to something, the more attention it will give to you." When going through a divorce, your emotions can be compared to a roller coaster ride. Use this time to become reconnected to your inner awareness of who you are. Recognize if your feelings are low energy or high energy.

A few examples of low energy are stress, negativity, fear, resentment, or a sense of lack (lack of time or money) and high energy is joy, abundance, happy, positive, love or compassion. If you are having feelings of low energy, how do you make a shift to feel more of the high energy?

First, acknowledge and accept the feelings you are having. Be gentle with yourself! Your goal is to make a shift, but realize you might not be able to go from low to high instantly. Start with baby steps! Repeat step number three and become present! Be thankful for what is working in your life right now. Do something simple like pat your pet, smell a flower or, if you are in the office, take a minute to think of a previous fun time or experience you have had that could bring a smile to your face. Feel the shift you are starting to make in your energy.

Now, to amp up this high-energy feeling, think of another time of joy or something you were passionate about in your life. Keep adding these thoughts to your high-energy feeling and begin to feel great! Does it seem the people or situations around you have changed or is it you who has really changed? So, who has the power to feel their own joy? When you are feeling your high energy, this is the time to take your next inspired action. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something with ease and less effort!

7) Be True To Yourself During and even after a divorce, we are often filled with doubts. We question ourselves about what is right, what to do or how we feel. Should I or shouldn't I? It seems difficult to make a decision. Listen to your heart. What feels right? What doesn't feel quite right? If a situation does not feel right, honor your resistance by pausing or waiting. Sometimes waiting is the best thing to do. By waiting you may have allowed the situation to unfold more easily without having to worry! If a decision feels good or right, usually that means you are heading in the right direction. When we listen to our hearts, we are in integrity with ourselves. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we learn to say NO more easily.

Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to be on a committee or to volunteer for something and you say yes, even though you know it will make your schedule even tighter or you really don't want to or have to?

How do you stop this from happening? Next time you are in this situation and you are ready to say yes, yet, find yourself having doubts, try this . STOP! Take a breath or even take a step back (this action will prevent you from saying yes). Pause! Thank the person for thinking of you, but let them know you will have to check your calendar and get back to them. When you do have time to think about it, focus on how you are feeling. Are you excited to volunteer or do you feel some resistance? If in a day or two you are still feeling doubtful, realize the timing might not be right for you. If you are still excited, join the committee and have fun!

Divorce is not easy or fun, but you can make it through this time of your life by realizing you WILL make it! Also, honor yourself and listen to your heart! Your true purpose and passions are waiting to be rediscovered within you! When you have discovered the "gold nugget" you already are, you will start to live your life with more ease and enjoy the feeling of peace. "You are truly free!"

Copyright 2004 Joanie Winberg. All Rights Reserved.

There Is Life After Divorce

A married woman becomes a single woman for one of two reasons: death or divorce. The former is an honourable state, the latter is not.

When a woman loses her husband to death the neighbours all rally round and provide meals and any help they can give with regard to household repairs or cleaning or anything that is needed. They are willing to provide comfort and a shoulder to cry on. They are available for the widow and they include her in their activities, feeling sorry for her that she is now so alone.

However, things are quite different when a marriage ends due to infidelity or marital breakdown. That immediately plunges a woman into a new category. She is transformed, instantaneously it seems,from a married woman to a divorcee. Becoming one of many, part of a group of used and discarded women, seen as suspect by all those who are still safely ensconced in the womb of their marriage.

People tend to withdraw from her. Invitations to get togethers cease. It appears that women think their husbands might be attracted to the idea of an "available woman" and so the women who used to be friends withdraw and leave her alone with her tears and her fears. There are no meals prepared and no offers of help. Husbands are kept at home just in case, for such is the image portrayed of a divorcee. The husbands might not be safe. She might cause the destruction of other marriages.

We read jokes all the time about the lonely divorcee who invites the mailman, the milkman, or the Maytag repairman into her home with the intent of seducing him. (A joke made up, I am sure, by a man who has never known the humiliation and pain of being a divorcee.) Perhaps she even seduces them one right after the other, for such is the life of the "gay divorcee", isn't it? Freed from the bonds of marriage, with unmet needs and desires, divorcees are wanting to fill the void; or at least that is the popular image. And so in place of invitations to parties or neighbourhood barbeques which were formerly were issued to the couple and their family, there is an empty mailbox, and the phone stays quiet. She checks it every now and then to make sure it is still working.

The divorcee begins to feel as though she no longer exists; as if, because she is no longer half of a relationship, she ceases to be a part of the neighbourhood. Women who used to call her friend no longer call. Her children are not invited to play with the neighbours' children. Perhaps the women feel they would be contaminated by the disease of divorce, as if it were a virus that could be caught, or maybe they just don't know how to talk to a newly divorced woman. A divorced man, on the other hand, is often seen as more eligible and is a welcome addition to many parties. His social life may increase, and because he usually does not have the children, his disposable income is often enough to keep him comfortably.

However, life goes on. The bills still have to be paid, the kids still have to be fed and they have to be clothed. Family chores that were done by two are now done by one. If the children are old enough, they can chip in and help with the household duties such as dishes and meal preparation and housecleaning. Because of the reduction in income, the divorcee is often forced to seek employment and then she has two jobs; one inside and one outside the home.

Sometimes the inside life doesn't change much. For those who had husbands who simply went to work and came home at night expecting to be waited on, their workload is reduced by one person, so this can be a blessing. But the availability of a backup when she is really tired and the kids are really obnoxious is a problem. She has to deal with all the problems, tired or not.

Because she has been ostracized by her neighbours she seeks out other divorcees for companionship, often building relationships and forming deep bonds that last for years as they share the day to day problems and achievements. They get together with their kids and pool their resources for family dinners. They support each other in job searches, in the handling of problems, in the fights with their exes. They listen to each other and care for each other's children.

Sometimes, because of the great reduction in income, divorcees are forced to apply for an allowance from the provincial government. This is known as welfare or Mother's Allowance. There they are told that they have no right to have a phone or a car, or any of the things they consider necessities but the government considers luxuries, such as a heating bill over the allotted amount. Widows, on the other hand, usually receive a pension from their husband's estate which they can spend however they want, with no rules. The divorcees are told to sell the car and get rid of the phone, even if they are out in the country. If they have a house, they might have to give it up and move the children to a new area. Sometimes, in order to survive, they may use credit cards to buy the things they feel they need for their kids for school and other activities. They may not be able to send their kids on school trips or buy the clothes that the kids need to fit in and so their kids may be ridiculed because of the way they dress. When the kids come home crying, they often feel guilty and wonder if they couldn't have worked things out better with their ex-husbands. They cry but try to hide the tears from their children, not wanting to upset them.

When the divorcee ventures into the realms of the full-time employee instead of part-time, she must find a babysitter for her kids, arrange everyone's schedule and settle into her new lifestyle. She tries to find a boss who is willing to let her attend the various special events at her children's school and cries silently to herself when she is unable to attend a day graduation due to work, or when she is unable to see her children receive sports awards, but she knows that she is doing the best she can. She attends what she can in the evenings and on weekends and hopes it is enough.

As the divorcee settles into life on her own, she may begin to find advantages such as being able to go where she wants, when she wants and with whom she wants. She has only to consider herself, and her kids, if she has any. Eventually the heartaches will ease a little and the divorcee will reach out to others a little more, perhaps even being willing to take the risk of dating another man.

Her circumstances may not have changed a lot. She still struggles to pay bills, to provide for her kids, yet she finds her life is full. Not the rumoured life of the gay divorcee, replete with men or with parties and wild living, but one of love for her kids, and perhaps of studying for a degree while working in a fulfilling career where helping others. She has weathered the storms of life and feels that she has come out on top. Her children move on to their own homes and to employment. Perhaps her eldest has his dream job, that of webmaster and service technician. Another may become the youngest Inventory Control Manager and the only female one in Eastern Ontario for a large soft drink company. Another, with a child of her own, may work part-time and plan to return to school to take an Esthetics course. Her children could be very involved in hockey, perhaps playing at the AA level or Junior A level which requires a lot of travelling and sacrifice of personal time. But to her it is all worth it to watch her child score the winning goal and to see the smile on his face as he turns from the net. Her heart swells with pride as his teammates congratulate him and the parents lean over to say how well he played.

Yes, life continues after divorce, the pain and heartache suffered in the beginning eventually fade somewhat and the divorcee finds the strength to survive and, more than that, to move on to whatever the future has in store.

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi

Hanoi, where the old and the new blend harmoniously, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Asia. The history of Hanoi, however, is long and tumultuous. From its earliest habitants dating to 3,000 BC through long periods of wars and occupation by the Ming Dynasty of China in 1408, the French in 1873, the Japanese during World War II, then the French again until the infamous Vietnam War, which ended in 1975.

Today, if you walk the streets of Hanoi, it is hard to imagine the damage experienced by this glorious city in the past. With its well-preserved temples, stunning Oriental and French architecture, magnificent landscapes and bustling city life, Hanoi has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Hanoi tourist spots are plentiful, and tourists will need to plan their stay and use a travel guide to see all these wonderful sights.

There are hundreds of temples and pagodas all over the city that offer solace and tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the streets. The oldest and most famous temple is the Bach Ma (or White Horse) Temple, built in 1010 by the founder of the Ly Dynasty, Ly Thai To. Another famous temple is the Temple of Literature, built in 1070 and dedicated to Confucius and his teachings.

Aside from these, the city is also home to a number of museums: National Museum of Vietnamese History, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Vietnam Women's Museum, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Contemporary Arts Centre, Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Vietnam Museum of Revolution, and Vietnam Military History Museum, just to name a few.

Hanoi also has a number of picturesque lakes. Hoan Kiem Lake, or the Lake of the Returned Sword, is a city centerpiece. A walk by the lake at night is perfect for a romantic evening. The largest in Hanoi, the West Lake has a number of gardens, restaurants and hotels, and other entertainment places surrounding it. Meanwhile, the parks and gardens of Hanoi include Cuc Phuong National Park, the foremost national park in the country, located about 100 km south of the city. The Botanical Gardens, a park located at the heart of the city, is popular with locals and tourists alike, with its sculptures and old trees amid open spaces ideal for outdoor activities.

But perhaps the most popular Hanoi tourist spot is the Hanoi Old Quarter. A bustling historical district situated near Hoan Kiem Lake, the Hanoi Old Quarter has 36 streets that date back to as early as the 13th century. Each of these 36 streets was named for the primary good originally sold and traded in that street. Today, some of the streets still have merchants that sell the original goods, although most now have restaurants, hotels and other establishments that support Hanoi tourism. There are plenty of lodgings around Hanoi, ranging from budget to luxurious. There are many hotels in Hanoi, including An Hung Hotel, that offer comfortable rooms at discounted rates for the leisure or business traveler.

With so many tourist spots, it is no wonder that tourism here is flourishing. In spite of the turbulent history of Hanoi, it has survived and continues to one of the top tourist destinations in Southeast Asia and the world.

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi   

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi

Hanoi, where the old and the new blend harmoniously, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Asia. The history of Hanoi, however, is long and tumultuous. From its earliest habitants dating to 3,000 BC through long periods of wars and occupation by the Ming Dynasty of China in 1408, the French in 1873, the Japanese during World War II, then the French again until the infamous Vietnam War, which ended in 1975.

Today, if you walk the streets of Hanoi, it is hard to imagine the damage experienced by this glorious city in the past. With its well-preserved temples, stunning Oriental and French architecture, magnificent landscapes and bustling city life, Hanoi has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Hanoi tourist spots are plentiful, and tourists will need to plan their stay and use a travel guide to see all these wonderful sights.

There are hundreds of temples and pagodas all over the city that offer solace and tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the streets. The oldest and most famous temple is the Bach Ma (or White Horse) Temple, built in 1010 by the founder of the Ly Dynasty, Ly Thai To. Another famous temple is the Temple of Literature, built in 1070 and dedicated to Confucius and his teachings.

Aside from these, the city is also home to a number of museums: National Museum of Vietnamese History, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Vietnam Women's Museum, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Contemporary Arts Centre, Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Vietnam Museum of Revolution, and Vietnam Military History Museum, just to name a few.

Hanoi also has a number of picturesque lakes. Hoan Kiem Lake, or the Lake of the Returned Sword, is a city centerpiece. A walk by the lake at night is perfect for a romantic evening. The largest in Hanoi, the West Lake has a number of gardens, restaurants and hotels, and other entertainment places surrounding it. Meanwhile, the parks and gardens of Hanoi include Cuc Phuong National Park, the foremost national park in the country, located about 100 km south of the city. The Botanical Gardens, a park located at the heart of the city, is popular with locals and tourists alike, with its sculptures and old trees amid open spaces ideal for outdoor activities.

But perhaps the most popular Hanoi tourist spot is the Hanoi Old Quarter. A bustling historical district situated near Hoan Kiem Lake, the Hanoi Old Quarter has 36 streets that date back to as early as the 13th century. Each of these 36 streets was named for the primary good originally sold and traded in that street. Today, some of the streets still have merchants that sell the original goods, although most now have restaurants, hotels and other establishments that support Hanoi tourism. There are plenty of lodgings around Hanoi, ranging from budget to luxurious. There are many hotels in Hanoi, including An Hung Hotel, that offer comfortable rooms at discounted rates for the leisure or business traveler.

With so many tourist spots, it is no wonder that tourism here is flourishing. In spite of the turbulent history of Hanoi, it has survived and continues to one of the top tourist destinations in Southeast Asia and the world.

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi   

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi

Hanoi, where the old and the new blend harmoniously, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Asia. The history of Hanoi, however, is long and tumultuous. From its earliest habitants dating to 3,000 BC through long periods of wars and occupation by the Ming Dynasty of China in 1408, the French in 1873, the Japanese during World War II, then the French again until the infamous Vietnam War, which ended in 1975.

Today, if you walk the streets of Hanoi, it is hard to imagine the damage experienced by this glorious city in the past. With its well-preserved temples, stunning Oriental and French architecture, magnificent landscapes and bustling city life, Hanoi has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Hanoi tourist spots are plentiful, and tourists will need to plan their stay and use a travel guide to see all these wonderful sights.

There are hundreds of temples and pagodas all over the city that offer solace and tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the streets. The oldest and most famous temple is the Bach Ma (or White Horse) Temple, built in 1010 by the founder of the Ly Dynasty, Ly Thai To. Another famous temple is the Temple of Literature, built in 1070 and dedicated to Confucius and his teachings.

Aside from these, the city is also home to a number of museums: National Museum of Vietnamese History, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Vietnam Women's Museum, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Contemporary Arts Centre, Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Vietnam Museum of Revolution, and Vietnam Military History Museum, just to name a few.

Hanoi also has a number of picturesque lakes. Hoan Kiem Lake, or the Lake of the Returned Sword, is a city centerpiece. A walk by the lake at night is perfect for a romantic evening. The largest in Hanoi, the West Lake has a number of gardens, restaurants and hotels, and other entertainment places surrounding it. Meanwhile, the parks and gardens of Hanoi include Cuc Phuong National Park, the foremost national park in the country, located about 100 km south of the city. The Botanical Gardens, a park located at the heart of the city, is popular with locals and tourists alike, with its sculptures and old trees amid open spaces ideal for outdoor activities.

But perhaps the most popular Hanoi tourist spot is the Hanoi Old Quarter. A bustling historical district situated near Hoan Kiem Lake, the Hanoi Old Quarter has 36 streets that date back to as early as the 13th century. Each of these 36 streets was named for the primary good originally sold and traded in that street. Today, some of the streets still have merchants that sell the original goods, although most now have restaurants, hotels and other establishments that support Hanoi tourism. There are plenty of lodgings around Hanoi, ranging from budget to luxurious. There are many hotels in Hanoi, including An Hung Hotel, that offer comfortable rooms at discounted rates for the leisure or business traveler.

With so many tourist spots, it is no wonder that tourism here is flourishing. In spite of the turbulent history of Hanoi, it has survived and continues to one of the top tourist destinations in Southeast Asia and the world.

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi   

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi

Hanoi, where the old and the new blend harmoniously, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Asia. The history of Hanoi, however, is long and tumultuous. From its earliest habitants dating to 3,000 BC through long periods of wars and occupation by the Ming Dynasty of China in 1408, the French in 1873, the Japanese during World War II, then the French again until the infamous Vietnam War, which ended in 1975.

Today, if you walk the streets of Hanoi, it is hard to imagine the damage experienced by this glorious city in the past. With its well-preserved temples, stunning Oriental and French architecture, magnificent landscapes and bustling city life, Hanoi has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Hanoi tourist spots are plentiful, and tourists will need to plan their stay and use a travel guide to see all these wonderful sights.

There are hundreds of temples and pagodas all over the city that offer solace and tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the streets. The oldest and most famous temple is the Bach Ma (or White Horse) Temple, built in 1010 by the founder of the Ly Dynasty, Ly Thai To. Another famous temple is the Temple of Literature, built in 1070 and dedicated to Confucius and his teachings.

Aside from these, the city is also home to a number of museums: National Museum of Vietnamese History, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Vietnam Women's Museum, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Contemporary Arts Centre, Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Vietnam Museum of Revolution, and Vietnam Military History Museum, just to name a few.

Hanoi also has a number of picturesque lakes. Hoan Kiem Lake, or the Lake of the Returned Sword, is a city centerpiece. A walk by the lake at night is perfect for a romantic evening. The largest in Hanoi, the West Lake has a number of gardens, restaurants and hotels, and other entertainment places surrounding it. Meanwhile, the parks and gardens of Hanoi include Cuc Phuong National Park, the foremost national park in the country, located about 100 km south of the city. The Botanical Gardens, a park located at the heart of the city, is popular with locals and tourists alike, with its sculptures and old trees amid open spaces ideal for outdoor activities.

But perhaps the most popular Hanoi tourist spot is the Hanoi Old Quarter. A bustling historical district situated near Hoan Kiem Lake, the Hanoi Old Quarter has 36 streets that date back to as early as the 13th century. Each of these 36 streets was named for the primary good originally sold and traded in that street. Today, some of the streets still have merchants that sell the original goods, although most now have restaurants, hotels and other establishments that support Hanoi tourism. There are plenty of lodgings around Hanoi, ranging from budget to luxurious. There are many hotels in Hanoi, including An Hung Hotel, that offer comfortable rooms at discounted rates for the leisure or business traveler.

With so many tourist spots, it is no wonder that tourism here is flourishing. In spite of the turbulent history of Hanoi, it has survived and continues to one of the top tourist destinations in Southeast Asia and the world.

Getting to Know Vietnam: History and Tourism of Modern Hanoi   

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